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1 year ago
My dear Stefaniya, my beloved sister, I write here a few lines to let you know that I’m fine and that my assignment on the slave ship "Queen of the Ginarchy" is proceeding beautifully.

I also send you a photograph of me taken by the on board photographer in which you can see that, contrary to the slander moved against me, the slaves entrusted to my care enjoy excellent health, are fat and in flesh, some of them even eat my leftovers and not all of them have been castrated yet, especially since many of them are still very productive.
As you can see, your environmentalist conscience can subside and devote itself to more important purposes, the salvation of whales or seals, for example: your sister, the infamous Major Rhonja, will no longer be a source of shame for you in your humanitarian circles, between your spoiled little friends, in the arms of your spineless girlfriend.

In expectation of your beloved answer I send you my dearest kisses,

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